Feedback from the Troops

An elementary school here in the Katy, TX area did a huge collection for our soldiers. They decorated shoe boxes, and last month we shipped 155 shoe boxes to Iraq, and 5 to Afghanistan. The local VFW worked a deal
through a program they have with Fed-ex, and the school didn't have to pay any shipping. The packages arrived in 9 days, and emails have started coming back to the students. They are VERY excited.

The students had collected money for shipping, so since shipping was free, approximately $415 was leftover. Last week, we went to the local hobby shop, and purchased (at nicely discounted prices) 55 models to be
sent to the soldiers at Brooks Army Medical Center. One of the ladies involved husband travels, so he will take the models and personally deliver them in San Antonio, so once again, no shipping costs.

Below is one email that was received. It was thrilling to be a part of this, and great to see the enthusiasm
of the students.

To the staff, students and local community of Edna Mae Fielder School and Community,

My name is Sergeant _____. I'm with the 319th Military Intelligence Battalion (Airborne Operations), Camp Victory, Baghdad, Iraq. Today we received your packages you sent us in the mail. I just wanted to say that
they were absolutely great and the drawings and designs that were on them were awesome. Everyone in our company and part of our battalion got one.

The items inside are perfect for us. Mine is particular came from Susans' class. Please tell them that us soldiers said thank you and god bless. If it wasn't for great people like yourselves giving us the motivation and will to carry on here, we would never make it. I am proud to serve and to fight for this cause here, and happy to see your community backing us up. To everyone in the community, thank you for your hard work putting this together and all of the donations from the businesses/corporations. Tell everyone at the school that the whole
525th Army Brigade (paratroopers) says thank you and a job well done. Keep doing great things over there and we'll hold the fort down over here.

Again Thank you and god bless,
Sergeant, US ARMY...Airborne All The Way!!!!

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I got a name from my son to include with my OSOT adoptees. Miles was part of the Vermont national guard that was activated last year. His duty station was in the VERY remote areas of Afghanistan. Packages were sent, letters included and the relationship grew. I enjoyed his letters when they arrived, and the whole family would drop everything (even the teenager) to read them and talk. He was always amazed that I sent things that he needed, But without asking first. (OSOT lists DO work) this went on for about 6 or so months. Finally my heart died. A letter was returned. The postmaster reassured me. My son later told me that Miles had returned, and was safe. Still, Miles was special. Months later, Miles saw my son at a National Guard drill weekend, ran across the building to give him a hug, and to tell him "his Mom is awesome".

In November, our son's own National Guard unit was activated. In his senior year of college, he has now put academics on hold and is preparing for deployment. Our son's drill sergeant solicited Miles' advice on the upcoming deployment, and to "inherit" some of Miles' equipment. As Miles cleaned out his locker, he stopped, got VERY serious and told the Sergeant that THIS item was EXTREMELY valuable - but he would give it to the drill sergeant. "Don't lose it. It will save your life." admonished Miles.

The item? A neck cooler. Miles explained how it worked and the use and care of it.

A day or so later, the drill sergeant was explaining all of this to Charlie. The Sergeant didn't understand it all, was quite puzzled by it all, but trusted Miles. Then the Sergean noticed Charlie's face......

"My mom made that and sent it to him over there."

I was required to send up 67 more neck coolers for when the unit deployed.......What a kick!!!! The neckties I made went to Afghanistan, back to Vermont, now is in Mississippi and will soon be in Iraq.

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Letters from a War Zone Article in NewTimesLive.com - To read the entire article, click on the title link.
For more than two years, Pat and Dave Perkins of Bethel have been sending boxes of supplies and "boodle" (the Army's term for food from home) to troops in Iraq and Kuwait. The packages have reached soldiers in a military police unit south of Baghdad, a medical unit in Iraq and a materials management unit in Kuwait.

The units were assigned to the Perkinses, whose son Jim is a student at West Point. The couple joined other West Point parents to assist "Operation Support Our Troops," which sends care packages to soldiers in remote regions of the world.

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Mrs. Salomone,
I wanted to spread the good news that Operation Picture Peace is in full swing. Thank you for the contacts you established a few months ago. There have been people all across the country that have sent in pictures thanks to your network.

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Below is an email I received from the daughter of a friend of mine. She is a Sergeant in Baghdad and recently came home for a short leave. I've sent her several boxes which she distributes to whoever needs things. Who would think that some balloons and granola bars would be such a hit?

I got your packages the day that I got back, and it was so cool. It made the transition back into military life that much easier, and made things nicer. I have distributed most of the stuff, and feel the need to tell you that because you sent chewy granola bars, you are my new best friend. Puckett, my next-door neighbor is planning a water balloon fight with the balloons that you sent, and because no one else has any balloons, she is planning a victory. I cannot tell you how much the packages meant here, and there is no words to express our appreciation. I am currently sleeping through the night, and there is nothing new to report. As soon as the first mortar hit the night I got back, I had the best night's sleep since I left for leave. I will send a longer letter soon, but am in a hurry to get back to work. Steffy

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Hi, Barb i want to thank you for the support the troops box you send me i dont know how to thank you enough, all the items you send were terrific. I have been here since March and all of our guys got here in april, i was injured on april 4th, got shot thru my left shoulder luckly it went right thru and after a few months of rehab i was back with all my troops in Aug. ever since then i have received two boxes one from someone else and yours of course...i have been in the army 14 years and had never been deployed to something like this... I never imagined there were so many people like yourself that took the time to send boxes to the troops...if i could only show you how much we appreciate the stuff you send i would. you know i never had the opportunity to travel that far up north, i think the farthest i have been is Kansas.i have included a couple pictures of the some of the guys that you send the stuff to, so at least you have faces of the people you are sending stuff to. Feel free to email me back if you wish i would like to return the favor and send you a little something from down here even though there aint much at least you have something from iraq, the only thing is that i burned your address, you see we are used to burning all the boxes that we receive so that no one has your address kind of a security issue, i hope you understand, but if you would be so kind as to send me your address i will definitely make sure to send you something from down here. I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving and hope that all your family is safe and sound, just like we do for each other over here i will pray for your son's safety .......... Again thanks a million for the box and God Bless You may he give you 100 times more than what you give..

SSG (name deleted)

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